Join my private Double Dragon Jewelry Face Book VIP Group
Having this website of course is wonderful ~ but…………….I don’t get a chance to meet you.
You don’t get a chance to meet me.
I have no idea what you are looking for in Jewelry, and you only see what you see here on this website.
So why not join my Double Dragon Jewelry VIP Group on Facebook?
It’s a private group (not a regular business Face book page) where I showcase my newest Jewels from my Newest Collections (as in the photo on this page) and I offer them at a VIP price. There’s a lot of action on this page. Some of the Jewels get sold within minutes of me posting, some take a day or two and other’s get passed up and then they get placed on the website.
So are you ready to join? If so click on this link and you will be directed to my Double Dragon Jewelry VIP Group.
I look forward to meeting you.
Cheers Cindy